Friday, May 25, 2012

Lunar Madness

This has been quite the magical celestial season: a super moon and near-full solar eclipse within weeks of each other.  Pair those with a recent viewing of Gus Van Sant's Melancholia, and you're left with a mixture of awe and crippling fear.  Luckily, I managed to mix both lunar events with incredible food and excellent people who kept me sane.

I spent the evening of the super moon in the Chiricahua mountains on a friend's property.  Every other year he hosts a sheep roast, inviting all his friends down to camp out for a few nights in his little desert oasis.  My band was lucky enough to be a part of the festivities.  We played on a hay trailer stage (powered by generator) as the super moon rose behind us and folks enjoyed our hosts' incredible spread: roast lamb, homemade feta and homegrown beet salad, more than enough food and wine (oh, and the CAKE.  THERE WAS CHOCOLATE CAKE).  I was too busy scarfing down my plate to get any photos of the food, but Tom spent our entire set taking photos of the band.  Here are a few of my favorites:

An aspiring future ST3 member

Super moon powering my guitar!

New fans dancing

As much as I love being out in the middle of nowhere and gorging on homegrown mutton, I craved the comforts of home.  During the eclipse a few weeks later, Tom and I hosted a poker party which necessitated the cutest little snacks:

Stuffed peppers!

Tom mixed ground beef with minced onions and garlic, some salt and cayenne pepper, then stuffed it, along with pepper jack cheese, into these little sweet peppers.

Trouble shooting: as the beef cooked down it shrank and the cheese inside provided just enough slipperiness for the meat to slide right out.  Next time we'll cut the peppers longways, canoe-style.

Tom, the eclipse, the tomato plant, and the ever-vigilant Boris.
And now, for some obligatory eclipse photos:

After four hours of Texas hold 'em all the food was gone (again, before I had the chance to snap a shot) and only a couple beers were left.  I went to bed happy (I broke even) and full, relieved that the moon hadn't pulled a Melancholia.

1 comment:

  1. nice! thanks SO much for recapping since I missed out (we were sad to miss the poker party but stayed home for health/recuperative reasons - but at least I didn't lose my shirt!) and i hope there's reprise of those stuffed peppers in the near future!
