Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dark winter days, bright sparkly shit

Know how you start to feel kind of ... off ... in January?  The days aren't getting longer fast enough, you're sick of spending so much on heat for the house, you're exhausted by the effort it takes to eat a bowl of hot soup....

This is why people plan their Spring gardens in the dead of winter: to look forward to the day they don't have to sleep under an electric blanket with long underwear on.  And it's the same reason I've been using some seriously bright colors in my jewelry.  These pinks and blues are all I need to get me through the task of schlepping the space heater with me when I move around the house.

New in my Etsy shop this week:

And, if the other pink wasn't hot enough for you, try this one:

I'm feeling warmer already.

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